
2 Weeks in Taiwan – Hunting Jade, Shrimp Fishing, Indigenous Survival, Travel & More

Oh! You’re watching the best video “2 Weeks in Taiwan – Hunting Jade, Shrimp Fishing, Indigenous Survival, Travel & More” on the channel “Outdoor Boys“. Here we compile the best trending videos, we have everything you need to feel inspired and refreshed.


My Family spent 2 weeks traveling Taiwan for the first time. Its a small Island packed full of culture and adventure and amazing food. We got to go shrimp fishing in Taipei and a fishing restaurant, learning about the various indigenous cultures at a survival school in Hualien, Hunting jade in a mountain river, Climbing monkey mountain in Kaohsiung, Celebrating Christmas and New Years with a bang, some unexpected trips to the Hospital and of course we ate amazing food everywhere.

Checkout our Travel Adventure Playlist with ALL our travel videos from around the world.

⦿ Duration : 01:38:28
⦿ Souce: Video Share Youtube For Channel ➡ Outdoor Boys

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